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16-16. Swishh: I am not who I seems to be. What am I? Swiss: I am not born to be pink. I am born to do much COOLER STUFF. (Y)

Sunday 22 May 2011

Arts can be on anything and everywhere.


 I don't know about you guys but that looks so real i would be terrified to even walk on it... :P


OMG! How can anyone make a bad comment on this? It is so beautiful. This is an amazing skill and she must be an amazing person to have done this so well. I really loved when she wrote " Let's get together" That was a very classy touch.  :)


Girls all time favourite.Nail Art!

Hope you guys enjoy it and ciao! :)

Saturday 14 May 2011

Watch it with your ur eyes expanded!

  I was just browsing through somethings about body language, I don't know why, however I manage to watched some AMAZING ANIMALS VIDEOS! Here are some of it :

1.                                                                               Octopus Camouflage 
                                       At this point, I go WOW... O.O! This would be a use for me when I'm camping LOL

2.                                                                               Crocodile bites Man's Arm
                                                         Ouchhh... So, Mr.Crocodile! How's the servant of the society taste like?

3.                                                                               Christian the Lion 
                                                                                      This video never fail to make me cry!

4.                                                                               Gibbon taunts tiger cubs
                                                                                                  Hahahaha!! CUTE SIA!!

5.                                                                                Leopard cuddles Baby Baboon
                                                                     Cuteness Alert! Cuteness AlerT!! AWWWWW!!

  Anyway! That's all people! (: I think I such continue my research on Humans' Language (: Will share it with you guys another time!! ((: Cheerrss!


Elections are Over! So are Exams!!

  Seriously, I really have nth to post! >< However, I will show this video which I find it amusing! Haha!

                                               Yam Ah Mee Calls Shots ( DJ Funky T Video Mix )

  Haha!! Anyway, the exams are over! Finally! Wheee~ ((: However, I have no clue of what to do T-T I think   I will stick to gym, computer-ing, reading and studying for the time being :b Hmm... well! Gonna go make someone's life interesting now! Cyaa!

- Swishh

Monday 2 May 2011

Exams for here!

Hey guys! Today is Labour Day! Sooo Happy Labour Day! (: Unfortunately, exams are still here to stay ): Booo!! Really gotta study for exams since I haven't been doing it for the weekends! >< Anyway, here's photos for you guys to enjoy before exams! (:  

22 Funny Exam Answers

Naughty duck...

Oh, there it was!

That should work on a Catholic school.

And that should work on an all-male school.

How cool it would be if your mom were a pole dancer?

Very logical!

lol. nice elephant

I love the last one and to be honest, don’t get most of the other ones. Maybe if you do, you can tell me.

I would have given Peter some points on that...

There goes a sympathetic teacher.
hey, at least he/she’ll pass his english exam when he/she has to describe things…

Awesome comment!



thats all for now. Hoped you enjoyed! (:
  - Swishh

Sunday 1 May 2011

Photos that give a romantic feeling

Here are some photos which I adore!


Parkour makes good asses, GONE BAD. (Y)

 In case for those who doesnt know how cool Parkour it.

Is an athletic discipline, in which practitioners traverse any environment in the most efficient way possible using their physical abilities, and which commonly involves running, jumping, vaulting, rolling and other similar physical movements.


Got to get one of this baby!


This guy, David Belle. Make Parkour awesome. 

In case you guys are curious about that scene. Its from the movie called "District B13". There was plenty of good action in this movie.
Damien and Leito return to District 13 on a mission to bring peace to the troubled sector that is controlled by five different gang bosses, before the city's secret services take drastic measures to solve the problem.

To all the dudes out there, catch you later.

Mold your positive emotion with these!

The Royal Wedding Just Ended but the Fun never Stop!
  I came across this video which I find it very zany! ( strange in an amusing way )
I wish that actually happened...;) It's really cool to have such event that touches your heart ;))

And for people who don't know about the Royal Wedding or anything of it, you'll look something like this.

I can show you the world!..... I dont wanna see it....... Okay. 

For you people out there who don't know who's NigaHiga
Ryan Higa Can Make A Better Veriosn Of Friday In 9 Seconds

Anyway, I'm signing off now.
- Swishh

Saturday 30 April 2011

20 things guys shouldn't ever do to girls.

  1. Make fun of her hair, face, body, or clothes. Seriously, don't.
  2. Overuse sarcasm. It's one thing to joke, it's another to speak sarcasm as a second language.
  3. Flirt with other girls. It's doesn't make us want you more, it just makes us angry.
  4. Cheat. Never in any way will you get away with it.
  5. Make promises they can't keep. If you can't follow through, don't say it.
  6. Say "I love you" when they don't mean it. If the girl you "loved" gained 300 pounds, would you still love her? That's what I thought.
  7. Lie. You will get caught. Don't ever under any circumstances try to keep a lie going with a girl. It will not work.
  8. Deny things that are truth. If a girl confronts you about something, she knows the truth. Denying it makes her more angry. Grow some balls and own up to it.
  9. Pressure her. If she wants to do something with you, she will.
  10. Talk about other girls. Don't say they're hot, pretty or even nice. We don't want to hear it.
  11. Talk to her about their exes. If you're saying nice stuff, we'll assume you still like them. If you say shit, we assume you'll do the same about us.
  12. Say shit behind her back. No matter how much you try to keep it a secret, she will hear about it.
  13. Be a dick to her in front of their friends. They might think it's funny, but she will definitely not.
  14. Try to make it look like something was her fault to get yourself out of trouble. It will make things much, much worse.
  15. Ask why she's mad at you. Say you were wrong and apologise. Do not say you didn't do anything wrong. If she's mad, you obviously did something.
  16. Joke about wanting to break up. It won't be taken as a joke, and you'll be single before you can tell her you were kidding.
  17. Tell her she's overreacting. If you thought she was mad before,  prepare to meet the she-beast from hell.
  18. Go to parties or hang out with other girls without your girlfriend. No matter how much she trusts you, she will be worried.
  19. Make excuses. If you screwed up, don't try to get out of it.
  20. Talk to her when you're mad. You will screw something up and end up regretting it.
   All of these are true, I'm a girl as well so I know (: Take care! 
   - Swishh 

Pen Spinning!

OMG. This is what you can do when you are really bored during lesson and hoping that your teacher could confiscate your pen and you did not have to do any work! LOL. AWESOME MAN. (:
Found a few basic tricks and hope you guys will like it. (Y) (:





And if you mastered all four of them, it may look something like this! LOL. :P



10 Things You Should Know About Men.

1. Men have needs just like you do
Women are often considered the needier sex, but guys are have their emotional needs, too, according to Huemer and Winas. They may not readily admit it, but "men need respect, praise, interest in what they do, support, encouragement, collaboration, understanding, love, time alone, etc., etc."

2. Men need respect
Find a woman who disrepects her guy, and you'll find a man who's halfway out the door. "A man is going to find respect somewhere," say Huemer and Winas. "If she doesn't give it to him, then he is going to find it someplace else."

3. Men need praise
What's the best way to get a man to please you, whether around the house or in bed? Give his self-esteem a boost. "Men constantly need to be reminded about how great they are," say Huemer and Winas. "If you ask him to do the dishes and he doesn't do them perfectly then appreciate the fact that he actually did them, even if it is not to your exact specifications. Nagging him about how inefficient he is and how you would have done a much better job is not in your best interest."

4. Men need you to be interested in what they do
Men want to be around women who care about what they love (his job, his hobby, whatever). "You don't have to live and breathe his interests," say Huemer and Winas, "but you should understand them enough to comment." For instance, ask about his day at the office when he gets home, show your excitement for his achievements at work. If he's had a stressful day, hear him out -- you don't even have to give advice. Most of the time, he just needs a listening ear.

5. Men need support and encouragement
"If you support him, he will support you," say Huemer and Winas. When he asks you do help, do the things you can to support him. "If you encourage him with his goals and dreams, he will be a better man for it."

6. Men need collaboration
In other words, men don't want to be told what to do or how to do it. "The best thing that you can do is manipulate him into thinking that he came up with the idea," say Huemer and Winas. He likes a relationship where you work together as a team, not a relationship where you're wearing the pants.

7. Men need understanding
Men may seem to be from Mars sometimes, but they really want to be understood. "When he takes the time to actually talk to you, don't blow it off or ignore it, just listen," say Huemer and Winas. Great communication between couples is key to connecting on a deeper, stronger level.

8. Men need love (and yes, that does include sex)
We all know sex is important to a man, but "love is not just sex," say Huemer and Winas. "Love is a look, a touch, a kiss, and stroking his ego." When you are attentive to his needs, he will be more willing to pay attention to yours.

9. Men need time alone
He needs a chance to explore a hobby, hang with the guys and unwind. "Allow and encourage him to do what he does to recharge" suggest Huemer and Winas. "If you do this, the time you spend with him will be even better." Of course, if time alone includes an addiction to porn, fantasy football and video games, you may want to reconsider your choice of man.

10. Men need your attention
You may think they're not very observant, but men pay attention to how their women address their needs, because as mentioned in the first point: Men are needy.

Hopefully these can come in handy for you lovers out there (: 
- Swishh

31 ways to make a girl smile! (:

1. Tell her she is BEAUTIFUL
2. Hold her hand at any moment even if its just for a second.
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her :)
6. don’t go hang out with you ex when shes not with you, you might not relize how badly it hurts her.
7. If youre talking to another girl, when you’re done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her….let her know she’s yours and they aren’t.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say “hi”
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up (she loves it)
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn’t like it
13. Make her laugh
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she’s mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER(don’t be afraid to)
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal(she’ll hug it every time she goes to sleep),
jewelry (she’ll treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she’ll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with
his cologne!! and flowers or something occasionally.
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you’re alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the hell of it
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too. =)
24. Remember her birthday and get her something,even if its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means ALL the world to her.
25. when she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don’t (it’ll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don’t necessarily have to have hour long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27. Give her wat she wants
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the
29.DONT hug her friends or your friends that are
girls cause she’ll feel left out.
30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang wit your girl friend all the time
31.If u care about her…SHOW her!(totally)

Have fun! - Swishh


    Here are the list of movies that I DIE DIE must watch:
  1. Never Back Down 2   
  2. Piranha 3D
  3. Rise of the planet of the apes
  4. Johnny English 2 Reborn
  5. Something borrowed                                                                          

                                              Can you believe it!? Never Back Down 2 is coming back!! Can't find trailer ): Sawwie guys!!
                                       It's juz the most awesome movie I had ever seen in my whole life! Continue to rock on \m/ 
                                                          If you don't know what is it. Watch Never Back Down (: 

                                                           PIRANHA 3D
                                                                                                                    I wish a certain someone hadn't died... you'll see...
                                                     RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES
                                                                         1:17 Hide ya kids hide ya wife and hide ur husband coz dis apes raping errbody out heree
                                                   Johnny English 2 Reborn        
                                                                                                                                           God I can't wait for this
                                                   Something Borrowed    
                                                                                                                                 Gosh I wonder how it will end!

                                                                Anyway! Exams are still here sooo I gotta go study now! Ciiao!!
                                                                             P.S. I'M SWISHH! ((: The older twin!